Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Ledge

This is an example of why I have not been posting lately. This drivel is a poem I quickly jotted down recently while in high pain on copious amounts of morphine. Depression from the relentless pain had consumed my mind like a fire would have and I wanted an escape. Read from the beginning of the archives to the right for better material.

The Ledge

Like blistering heat of flames it drives me out
To the ledge, looking up then down the abyss tempts me
I feel the urge to be free from the searing pain but
The ability to soar away from its heat has eluded me
For so long now frozen
Feet won’t move only twitching, my mind
Fuels the flames but the feet go
Nowhere despite the unrelenting agony

The heat still pushes hotter, the quicker, easier
Ledge looms always beckoning
To relieve the agony the flames cause
I look down from the ledge and realize
Fear of death is gone
In this hellish ferocity I see but one
Escape from this wallow of searing torment
My minds self-fueled flames decide for me

Inevitably the feet finally decide to move
Through the spinning spiral of redundant thoughts
I need the cool enticing descent,
Finally my feet move off the ledge to find
I am falling into the abyss but
Going nowhere still chased by flames
No difference to jump or not since the flames
Have already consumed me

by paparoach