Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wall Street

So Occupy Wall Street protests have been going on for about a week now. At first there was a major news blackout on the topic. If we don't report it, it may just go away they seemed to think. The mass media in this country is controlled by just a few individuals now that almost all the outlets have been bought up over the years. These people control the flow of information to the public. To get news about this event I had to go to foreign news outlets and to the internet. A couple of days ago when it was clear that the event was expanding the mainstream press decided to cover the event but their coverage is anything but unbiased news reporting of events that are happening. Instead the coverage has been an organized spin aimed at discrediting the protesters by making them look unamerican to the general public by tagging labels on the protesters like left wing, communist, anarchist, nazi, anti-capitalists, anti-american, socialist and so forth. I find this behavior by the news outlets to be despicable. To see just who the protesters are just go to the website:

The press wants to defend as American the one percent of people who criminally raped this country and the rest of the world for their own greed and caused the current world financial crisis. They need the flag wavers to keep them in power so they praise them endlessly with mindless patriotic drivel. If these are the true Americans and not the protesters then I totally understand why the world is hating Americans more and more by the day.

The hypocrisy of the American press is so blatant to the rest of the world but the patriotic American is blind to this. These patriots constantly rally behind these time tested formulas that work so well to eliminate the competition of these true criminals so that those in control of the money can continue to reap the huge gouging profits that are making the world financial markets collapse. Then they want the little guys to pay back the money that was stolen by these big boys. The flag wavers will also have to pay this money back but they don't seem to get the connection because they are wallowing in the adoration of being patriotic to the greatest country ever. Blind is still blind.

This is what brought down the government in Greenland and is crushing governments around the world. I think the message is clear from the occupy wall street protests but the press wants to keep it muddled as they are collectively calling it. They don't want the general public too knowledgeable about what is really going on. They prefer that the general public just wave their flags and let them continue to plunder this country and the rest of the world. That is why they use the same tired old name calling tactics about anti-freedom and anti-american all the time. You have to be either a flag waving blind patriot or you are against them and that makes any non patriot the enemy as well. Jon Stewart on the Daily Show summed a lot of this up nicely on his recent show titled Parks and Demonstration. It can be found on the show website.

It is possible to be against the big wall street criminals and still be a capitalist that believes in freedom and the good still possible in this country. The press just doesn't want anybody to think like that. The people in Greenland took their country back and I see the same thing happening in other countries and who knows maybe even in America.

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