Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some Background

I was asked why there are no pictures included with my blog. Well all the pics I took were stolen from me in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The pics I took after Addis Ababa are in the possession of a friend I was traveling with at the time. I am trying to find her to obtain them but we have lost contact so far. I have lots of other pics available online from Asia, Southeast Asia, Central America, South America and other places and family pics at:


Feel free to look at them whenever but I will blog about those places later and include pics when I do. I thought about finding pics on the web from Nigeria, Cameroon and the other places but decided it was not worth the work of obtaining the copyrights for pics. There are also great articles on the web about the major events I mentioned such as the Biafran War or the turmoil in Central African Republic caused by the dictator Jean Bedel Bokassa on Wiki at:



I started blogging in Calabar Nigeria but I traveled for two years before I got there. I just picked it as a place to start because so many people wanted to hear about my experience getting arrested. I got arrested three times for being a spy, once in Nigeria, once in Ethiopia and once in Laos. I will talk about the other two later on. I went through active war zones or serious civil unrest in Spanish Sahara, Spain, Ireland, Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Somalia, Djibuti, Turkey, India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Mexico, Argentina, Nicaragua, Columbia and Guatamala. I was shot at a few times in Spain, Uganda, Eritrea, Burma, and on the Mekong between Thailand and Laos. I was lucky that I was never injured or killed on these journeys.

I came closer to death from health reasons. I spent three weeks in the Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria for intestinal infection, almost died in Ethiopia from Malaria, and had a relapse of Malaria in Australia, was hospitalized in Argentina with my back out, caught Dengue fever twice in Central America and was very ill more than once in India as well as regular bouts of stomach problems in most of the third world countries. I was in vehicle accidents several times with only minor injuries which was lucky considering how the driving is in counties like Nigeria and Costa Rica or Mexico. There were lots of very close calls. The worst was in Mexico when I was riding shotgun on a bus at 60 miles per hour plus that decided to pass a slow truck on a blind curve and another bus was doing the same thing in the opposite direction. How we all avoided hitting I will never understand because it was just impossible that we didn't hit head on. I don't think you should ever ride where you can see the road ahead of you in these places especially if you have a weak heart or bowels.

Feel free to ask me questions in the comment section if you want clarification or anything. Tell me if you like something or if you don't. You can believe my writing or you can take it as fiction I don't care either way because I am writing for my pleasure but am sharing it with the world. I encourage two way communication here. To leave a comment just click at the end of each blog where it says comments. I can sometimes forget that not everybody knows the history of these places and I talk about things or people like Idi Amin assuming people know about them. I will try to keep my writing as clear as I can. I may skip around the world and not blog in a straight date line because Africa might not interest one person where India would so I plan on just writing as I feel like without regard to linear events. I may write regularly or I may take long breaks. You can sign up for notices when I post if you like. Look in the upper right side for the notification link.

Enjoy yourselves. PURAVIDA paparoach

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