Friday, December 16, 2011

America is spiralling downward

So if Osama Bin Laden was around he would be very happy with the state of the union in the U.S. The government is taking away American's freedoms at an alarming rate. It is smelling like neofascism to me. The government is building hundreds of detention centers to house "terrorists" without trials or even charges. They are just holding cages and likely will turn into torture chambers. The military can hold and "interrogate" basically anybody they so choose.

Where are the checks and balances that keep government fair and honest in this scenario? When I was growing up these checks and balances were taught to me as the only way to run a government and I was told that only the mighty United States had such a fine arrangement. They taught us that places like Cuba, or at that time Argentina and Chile, Brazil and before that Spain under Franco or Italy under Mussolini did not have checks and balances but were fascist and under the rule of a single party or individual. They taught me about the Bill of Rights and touted that only the U.S had so much true freedom. They told us we could be free to choose how to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Now that all sounds like propaganda and lies to me. None of it is true anymore.

The pursuit of "terrorists" is now the rule of the land. We get searched everywhere we go. Our communications are intercepted. Our rights are gone. And now we can be thrown in FEMA cells and forgotten about forever. Round up the troublemakers and lock them up and throw away the key.

I remember the "disappeared" people in Central and South America in the 60s and on into the 80s. Thousands if not millions of people just disappeared after being picked up by the government police. Now that is going to happen here too and it is legal. This is so wrong.

Almost nobody is complaining about these lost freedoms and checks and balances. Sure a few "crazies" are marching around with signs and stuff or like me writing about it. Unfortunately nobody is paying attention to the signs or blogs like this. The population is afraid of more terrorist attacks like the World Trade Center 911 attack by good old Osama. The government is using that fear to take away all our rights one by one. This is following the historical path to fascism but this is neofascism.

Fascism may have started in Italy but it is evolving into a neofascism today in this country. Patriotic fever like that stoked by the 911 attack is the classic tool used to impose fascism. Take away individual rights for the collective good of the party in control is the usual path to fascism. Round up the usual suspects and eliminate them. Police power against foes, even small foes. Spy on the people going about their daily lives and those that do not toe the line...poof...disappeared. This is so very wrong. So un-American.

That is where we are today. I will be rounded up for sure. But I would rather die than live under these conditions. That is what most wars this country fought were supposedly fought defend our freedom and rights. Those wars were a waste of time and lives now. We have seen the enemy and he is ourself. Osama Bin Laden must be loving it.

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