Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So I have been living in Bakersfield now for around six months. I have noticed that many people here consider themselves very religious. Many of them are very vocal about just how religious and good they are. That is fine by me. I don't give a rat's ass what other people believe in or don't believe in. The problem I am having is that the majority of these same people that claim to be so holy and perfect are also the biggest bigots I have come across since I left Wisconsin forty years ago. Most of these people are white and they seem to hate everybody that isn't just like them. They hate gays, blacks, Mexicans, Asians (they lump all people together that even remotely look like they might be from that part of the world because they are to lazy to learn about other cultures and ethnicities), Indians (from both America and India), homeless or poor people, people on welfare, bike riders, pedestrians, long hairs, punks, juveniles and the list goes on and on. The only real criteria being that the person is different than them.

I listen to them rant and rave about how communist social security is. They rave about how Obama is just a monkey and is ruining their fine country especially with his communistic Obamacare. They rave about how patriotic they are. They rave about how Christian they are and pat each other on the back. They seem to rave about just about everything. They sit in groups and shake their heads in agreement whenever one of them is spouting off against one of their target groups. They never really say anything of substance however. They just spout hate and criticism in generally vague terms using key words like socialist, communist, gay, all the derogatory slang terms for other races, and whatever is hot on Fox News or their favorite bigots on the radio.

I usually sit quietly and just listen to them rave on. I am way outnumbered here and I have no urge to change the world anymore. I would like to know how they justify their bigotry with their religious beliefs. Did Jesus really preach hate like this? Is this a Christian way to behave? Is it really alright in their religion to hate people because they wear different clothing or hairstyles or are in any other way different from them? Also, just why do they hate so strongly anyone or anything that is different from them. Are they afraid? Are they just lazy? Are they just ignorant?

One of these days I am going to explode from listening to their ignorant hateful ranting. Then I will call them out for being such evil people and they will probably gang up and kick the shit out of me because that is how they roll in their country, the land of freedom as long as you are one of them. Their government does the same thing to other countries, but then again this is a country run by the people for the people unless of course you are one of those people on the very long list of people, religions or countries that they hate.

There doesn't seem to be many decent, tolerant, peaceful and respectful people left in this country. This is why I have given up on the world and I don't care about anything or anyone any more. I am tired of all the animosity and I just want some peace and quiet. If I am lucky maybe their country will send one of their drones out to get me and send me on my way to their nights plutonian shore like they do to other dissidents around the world.

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