Thursday, September 8, 2011

I finally found a new place to live

After over a month of being homeless I finally found a room to rent that I can afford. I am done with couch surfing until the next inevitable time. The room I found is in a dangerous part of town of course because that is where poor people have to live. However, this place is a dead end street of owner occupied houses and the neighbors have all been here for decades. That makes this small enclave a relatively safe place as long as I don't go out walking a few blocks away at night.

My room mate owns the house and is renting a room out more out of boredom than because she has to due to financial reasons like most rented rooms. She is a quiet, stable, self employed woman that is easy to get along with and appears to be drama free which is a big plus. So I hope this works out and I stay here for a while.

I am still waiting for Medicare to change my paperwork to this new county. I can't see a doctor until the paperwork transfers. They told me it could take up to six months. Why? It is only a few simple strokes on a computer to transfer it. The real reason I presume is to save money by keeping people like me from being able to see doctors for the six months it takes. That is just unethically wrong in my opinion. I am sure all you rah rah patriotic twits that claim this is the number one country for healthcare disagree with me because you would just as soon see us all die off to save you your taxes.

I have suddenly started sleeping sixteen hours a day after sleeping only three hours a day for the last fifty years. Gee I think something might be wrong with me now. But I can't go to a doctor even thought this is the best medical care in the world ha ha. The locals all tell me I must have Valley Fever which is a local area infection caused by a fungus spore that gets in the lungs. There is treatment for it but the treatment is almost worse than the disease so they really only want to treat people that get the infection in their bone marrow or nervous system. The treatment otherwise is bed rest. The good part is that my long term chronic pain is low lately which is a welcome respite for me.

I am still enjoying life every chance I get. I am getting out here and there. I play some pool up at the corner bar some days. I also have a few girlfriends here now that I visit a couple times a week. I hang out with some friends almost every day now. My days of riding my bike sixty miles or more a day are over until I get healthy again. I still ride but only about five miles a day now.

I don't have much to post with only eight hours a day of awake time so until later, enjoy your life while you still are able.

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