Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well this morning the police raided the Occupy sites around the country. The mere fact that they coordinated the attacks across the country demonstrates that this is a political act and not a local police action. I thought Americans had the right to freedom of assembly. What happened to that right? There have been many other demonstrations in support of various things supported by the government that were allowed to go on for very long periods of time. The government opposes this group so they shut them down with violent force. Why is the government not in support of a group that just wants a small group of major criminals prosecuted for gigantic sized crimes? Oh yea that's right, those criminals are paying the politicians big money for the "right" to loot the citizens of the world.

I know that the "silent majority" in this country does not believe that there is any sort of corruption in their beloved country's government. These people have some serious blinders on. Their patriotic fever does not allow them to see the obvious right in front of their eyes. The right wing spends vast amounts to make sure this is the status quo. The usual key words like anti-american, communist, left wing, anarchist, socialist, atheist, spoiled, thankless, and all the other words thrown around on Fox News and the rest of the right's mass media are always used to incite the silent majority into hating anyone that dares to oppose them. The key words usually do not apply to the targets but they are always used anyway because they are so effective at turning the silent majority against whomever it is they are trying to smear.

The "Occupy Wall Street" movement is a typical victim of this right wing attack. All the usual talk shows etc are calling the group commies and anti-american atheists as usual despite the fact that this group is about as typical a group of average Americans as you could ever assemble. Just go to their website for the other 99% and read the biographies of the groups supporters. They are all typical "people next door" Americans most of whom love their country just as much as the silent majority claims to love it. They do not deserve the slurs aimed at them by the right's mass media. Most of the people I know involved are school teachers, nurses, white collar small business workers and so forth.

The message that Occupy wants out there is intentionally ignored by the media. The Occupy movement simply wants those criminals brought to justice who are responsible for raping the economy so heavily that the entire world's economy is on the verge of collapse. Of course none of these criminals will ever be prosecuted because they are just too powerful and rich to be touched by paltry governments around the world. These criminals control the media so of course they won't put out the message or if they do they will make a story that at first appears to be a fair report of the movement but then they will throw in their key word slurs and the story will work against the Occupy movement. Business as usual for the megacorporations of the world and their criminal owners.

Occupy will be crushed.

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