Sunday, May 23, 2010

From Ibiza to Morocco and back again

My life of Riley ended in Ibiza when my girlfriend had to go back home to the states. I didn't like staying there after she left. I didn't really like doing acid and the people around me were doing it almost everyday so I went back to Spain. From Valencia after eating as much Paella Valencia that I could stuff in me, I worked my way South and then took a ferry over to Morocco.

I loved Morocco from the minute I stepped off the ferry. The country had everything. It was exotic. It was sunny every day. The food was great and plentiful. There were a wide variety of people around. There was always something to see or do. Hash was easy to find and high quality. Life was easy and cheap.

I slowly went South until I got to Casablanca and then Marrakesh. I stayed in cheap clean hotels and hung out at the beaches and hit all the tourist sights. I met lots of other travelers and we hung out enjoying life, eating good food, drinking, smoking, getting stoned, having one nighters, wandering around the markets looking at all the weird stuff. One day we saw a little old lady selling the most pathetic looking flowers ever. They were already dead. Some of them were even all dried out. We took pity on her and bought her flowers. Turns out they were opium poppies. We took them back to our hotel room and made some mint tea with it. There were over a dozen of us that drank it when it was ready. We had no idea how much it took to get high on it and we just drank some then got so stoned we couldn't stand up. We all vomited and pissed in our pants we were so loaded. The weird thing is we all liked the way we felt. It lasted for hours before we got it back together again enough to get ourselves cleaned up. The high was entertaining but it wasn't worth the getting sick and incontinence that when along with it so we never did it again.

We smoked a lot of pot and hash. We bought the hash in big balls the size of a large softball. We would just drop the ball on the tiled floor and pick up a piece the size of the pipe we used to smoke it. We did this daily. It ended when we ordered some food from the hotel and when they delivered it we had no money to pay for it. I had run completely out of money without realizing it. That is what's wrong with being a stoner. You lose track of some of the more important things about living. We got kicked out of the hotel in less than an hour and I was on the streets of Marrakesh without a dime to my name.

I lucked out that afternoon. I met a couple of newcomers from Canada that asked me about hash. I sold them some at a small profit and then they wanted to play some poker. We played a cash game with fairly high stakes and I won a few hundred bucks. I told them I was going out for some food and I left with the cash and headed straight back to London. I still had a plane ticket from London to Boston if I could just get there.

I hitch hiked up through Morocco as fast as I could, crossed over to Spain and caught a ride with a couple from the states that was driving to Switzerland. I jumped in the back seat and the wife joined me after a few minutes telling her husband that she needed to nap. She started playing with me as soon as she got in the back seat. She was fondling me then sucking me and then just didn't stop. We were doing the wild thing in the back seat with her husband driving. We did it all the way to Switzerland. When we got to their house the wife invited me to stay for a while. I did. She was a real horn dog and her husband had to know what was going on but he just let us do our thing.

One day she said she wanted to do it out in the snow. I figured sure why not as long as she got the bottom. She drove out to a small forest outside of town and we found a little clearing. We got out of the car and she stripped and flopped down in the snow. She was so hot the snow started melting all around her. I jumped right in on top of course and we were going to town. She was making a lot of noise but I figured we were out in the middle of nowhere so it didn't make any difference. She was really getting into it. Then all of a sudden I heard a sound like a car screeching its brakes and she started to laugh. I stopped mid stoke for a second and asked her what was up. She pointed up in the sky and laughed. I turned my head around and looked up. There was a gondola hanging off of a cable and about 75 people were looking out the windows pointing and laughing at us. I turned around and went back to work. I thought she was excited before but she got really excited now with the crowd cheering her on and she exploded and so did I. I collapsed on top of her and we started to laugh like the crazy people we were.

A couple of days later we went for a ride again only this time we took her husband and a couple of other travelers she met. She drove us up to near the top of a mountain and we got out and hiked the rest of the way to the top. We sat up there and smoked some weed and then took some LSD. We ate our picnic lunch before the acid kicked in. We started to trip about the cartoons where a snowball rolls down a hill getting bigger and bigger. So we decided to try it out and see if it was true how the snowballs grew as they rolled down the hill. We were really stupid and irresponsible because we made snow balls and rolled them down the side of the mountain and just like in the cartoons they grow bigger and bigger. Then when they get really huge and going about a hundred miles an hour they tend to do damage to things like trees that they hit. We were laughing our asses off without thinking about what we were doing. The next day we read about mysterious avalanches that occurred in an unusual location and the damages they caused. OOOOOOpps...

I headed out of town the day after. My friend gave me a ride to the Swiss border with Germany and she dropped me off to hitch hike the rest of the way up to Holland.

I was waiting for a ride just across the border when a girl jumped out of a car and walked over to me. She spoke French to me. I didn't speak French very much at all but my body spoke her language. We stood there for a minute laughing and trying to communicate with language while our bodies were communicating clearly with each other. She dragged me down off the road behind some bushes and did me right there. I was kind of shocked but pleased. Then we went up and got a ride almost instantly with a truck going all the way to downtown Amsterdam. On the way we stopped and I was sent in to buy some drinks and when I came back they both looked kind of tired for some reason. We had our beverages and drove the rest of the way to Amsterdam.

It was just getting dark when he dropped us off right near the train station. We checked into a hotel and went up to our room. For the next three days we never left the room. I didn't think it was physically possible to carry on like we did for that entire time with almost no sleep whatsoever. Every time I rolled over and went to sleep I found myself waking up with her doing me in one of the dozens of ways she did me. She never gave up. I don't know how she kept getting me up for her games but she did. I must have been covered with callouses by the time she tired of it all. For not being able to talk to each other we communicated perfectly together. I loved it don't get me wrong but I was happy when we finally quit and left the room to get some food. The only food we had over the previous three days was some room service sandwiches here and there with water. When we stepped from the room into the lobby we received a standing ovation from the hotel staff. I was a bit embarrassed but what the hell I accepted the handshakes and pats on the back with a silly grin.

We went out and ate like pigs at the first cafe we came to and then she just gave me a peck on the cheek and walked away never to be seen again...unless you count the visits that over the next few years happened occasionally at night when I didn't have a date.

I took a bus to the ferry and headed off to London that day since I didn't have any money left after paying for the hotel and the food. When I got to the immigration control on the English side they told me I could not enter the country because I did not have enough money with me to support myself. I had to think fast and immediately told them I had been robbed but that I had money waiting for me in a bank in London. I also showed them my ticket to Boston. We fought about it for a couple of hours before they gave me the stamp to enter. I went straight to a friend's house that I knew from my last visit and sponged off of him until I could get on a plane back to Boston. I slept almost all the way back to the states. I was diverted from Boston and we landed at JFK in New York instead. No difference to me I just jumped out and hitch hiked back to California to earn some more cash to go back again for more adventure. I was hooked on traveling by now. I couldn't have stopped and settled down now even if I wanted to. Such is life.

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