Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I went to Cancun a few times. The beach there is beautiful white sand that stays cool on your feet and the water is so blue it is hard to believe. This trip was with a girlfriend that I did not know very well. We had a good time there. We were flying into Cancun and we did not have any hotel reservations. The man sitting next to me on the flight was a very well spoken Mexican man that spoke perfect English. We chatted about my travels around Mexico for most of the flight. We laughed a lot. He was peppering me with questions and always asking me about how I felt about all the things we talked about. I felt like he was a therapist of some type. He quizzed me on our plans in Cancun. I had to be honest and tell him we had no plans we were just going to land there and go find a hotel for a week or so and then fly back to Mexico City. He asked us what type of hotel we wanted or expected to find and also asked how much we were expecting to pay. My girlfriend and I discussed it for a few minutes and decided that we were going to try to find a good hotel for about sixty dollars a night. He told us he could help us find a place for that price range. He wrote a note and gave it to me. He said give this to any taxi driver and they will take you to the hotel. I thanked him for the lead and we said goodbye at the airport.

My girlfriend and I walked out of the airport to find a taxi. We almost threw away the note because we figured we could find a good hotel on our own. But at the last second I decided to go see the hotel that he suggested for us. He had never mentioned the name of the hotel or anything. The taxi read the note he gave us for the taxi and we took off from the airport in the taxi. He drove us over to the Hyatt hotel and we told him there must be some mistake because we didn't want to spend as much money as we knew that the Hyatt would cost. The taxi driver just pulled up to the hotel anyway. He said something to the hotel worker that met us and the next thing I knew we were being escorted into the hotel for check-in. The taxi driver told us the ride was already paid for and he did not take a tip. The hotel clerk greeted us by name and said welcome to the hotel. I started to tell him that there had been a mistake and we were going to have to go to a less expensive hotel but he insisted that our room rate would be only sixty dollars a day including all taxes and everything. I was suspicious but I thought oh well lets just see if that is true. We signed in and the bell hop showed us the way to our room.

The room was a two bedroom condo right on the beach with a balcony overlooking the beach. There was a hot tub in the room and another one on the roof. There was a full kitchen, dining room and living room. The bathrooms were to die for. My favorite thing was a giant quadruple headed shower. I asked what was going on and the bell hop laughed and told me that we got this room because he has special instructions to give us the VIP treatment from the owner of the hotel. This was the best room available he told me. I tried to tip him and he declined the tip saying VIPs do not need to tip because it is already taken care of. We scored. The man I had been talking to was the owner of the hotel and he gave us a five hundred dollar condo for the price of a cheap hotel room. We were treated very well the entire time we were there.

It was kind of off season because there was a hurricane off shore the week we were there. On about the third day the rain from the storm hit us with high winds along with it. The palapas around the pools were all blown to shreds and we were stuck in the bar for the day and one night. We had fun despite the storm. There was a large college group staying at the hotel and they were mostly girls that were in the mood to party so there was no shortage of laughs. By the end of the night most of the guests could barely stand up and in fact some of them could not do that. Lots of hanky panky was going on. Girls were going crazy like in the videos they sell on tv at night. I was just watching the show for the most part.

When the storm blew over we went downtown to play around. On the way we were walking along the sidewalk when a little old lady stopped us. I immediately thought pickpocket but it turned out that she had a shopping bag chock full of various drugs like pot, coke, speed, pills and whatever. She opened the bag and had us look in it. I had to just laugh. She had thousands of dollars worth of drugs in her bag. I did not want any but my girlfriend wanted some pot but she only wanted to buy a couple of joints worth not a kilo of it. The old lady told her she didn't sell in small quantities like that but she told us where we could go to buy some. We followed her directions into a security controlled building with heavily armed guards standing around and it seemed like a set up to me but we were already involved by this point so we went ahead and she bought two joints already pre-rolled and we got out of the building where we were sent to buy it.

We ended up at a club that night. My friend and I split up and went our separate ways during the evening because we had different ideas of what we wanted to do. It was not a breakup fight we were just friends to start with and we did not know each other very well and we just had different interests that night. I drank a bit too much at my club and when I left I met a couple of Mexicans just outside of the club. I had nothing with me to lose so I wasn't worried about getting robbed as long as I didn't get beat up or something. I ended up having sex in an alley that night before I took a taxi back to the hotel. My friend did not come home that night, she found a date herself so we were both happy.

I went out fishing one day for something to do. I took a taxi down to the marina and found the boat. I was on a boat with a young family and their teenage son. They had never fished like this before. I had several billfish under my belt by now so I told them that the kid could take the first fish we hooked up with. They were happy with that. No sailfish had been caught on any boats for almost three weeks so the odds of catching one were bleak. Hook up we did though and the young man really enjoyed the fight and landing the sailfish. It was only about a seventy five pound fish but it was his first sailfish so he was very excited. I just enjoyed watching him enjoy himself. It turned out to be a good day.

The next day I went out to the island, Isla Mujeres, because I wanted to go to a naked beach. The island lived up to its name. Almost all the people on the beach were girls, mostly college girls from the states working on their all over tans. I got my sun in and then hung out at the bar for a couple of hours. The day before I got too much sun on the fishing trip so I could not spend as much time on the beach as I would have liked to. I did meet a few girls that I met up with later that night in a bar for some fun.

Our time was up and we had to leave Cancun. I had fun and so did my friend even though we did not hit it off so well. The whole week was kind of like a spring break party and I am kind of old for that pace everyday. I was glad to be leaving except for that shower we had at the Hyatt. I had been in Mexico for over a year now and every shower I had taken until this shower at the Hyatt I had to worry about the water running out during the shower. The way to take a shower in most of Mexico is to get wet. Turn off the water. Soap up a small area of your body, rinse, turn off the water, do another area and so forth until you were clean or there was no more water. Many times the water would run out while I still had soap on me and I had to stand there hoping something would dribble out to get the soap off. I finally got smart and learned to fill a small bucket with some water so I could at least wash off the soap if the water ran out. It was always an adventure to take a shower. So the Hyatt with unlimited hot water was a serious luxury for me and I took advantage of it. When we checked out we paid the bill and it was sixty dollars a day just like we had been promised. I was a squeaky clean happy camper.

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