Friday, June 25, 2010

San Jose, Costa Rica

I flew to San Jose, Costa Rica by myself. I did not read guide books about the place or anything so I really did not know what to expect. I found a good clean cheap hotel by talking to some travelers at the airport that were leaving the country. I chose this one because it was near the university and I always liked the parts of towns around universities because they were always vibrant and full of people. I was tired but I went out on the town for a beer after taking a short rest and a shower in my hotel room.

The bar I just happened to walk into as I walked around this area of town had about two dozen American students in it. They were drinking and partying hard. There was also a pool table and I sat down to watch the pool games. One of the mouthier louder boys was winning all the pool games and being very obnoxious to all of his opponents when they lost. I was just quietly watching it all. Finally no more of his friends would play with him any more and he started to loudly look for another challenger. He eventually got in my face and challenged the old man to a game. I could not resist after the punk called me an old man.

I racked the balls and watched him break and get two balls in on his turn. Then I carefully potted about five balls and intentionally left him up against the rail so he did not have an easy shot. He missed and I potted a couple more balls on my next shot before again sticking him into a bad shape for his shot. He missed again and started to rail about how lucky I was. I quickly agreed that I was being lucky. Then I proceeded to finish the game on my next shot. I made my eight ball shot look like it was going to miss and then it just barely dropped into the pocket. All of his friends cheered me for beating him and he immediately challenged me to another game. I accepted again. The same thing happened. He challenged me again because I was so lucky. I accepted. His friends were cheering me on and buying me shots and beers as I was kicking the loud mouthed punk's ass over and over again just because I kept being lucky. After about twenty matches where he did not win a single game and I always got lucky he gave up by telling me that he was from Texas and he was a Texas holdem expert. He told me they were going to go back to his place and play a Texas holdem tournament and that I had to come with them and play so that he could win his money back. I tried to decline but all his friends started to talk me into going with them. So I joined them at their house for a game of poker even though I hardly knew her.

The game took a couple of hours but in the end I won with kings over twos beating a flush that the last remaining girl had against me. My obnoxious pool player friend was furious that I won by luck so he started another tournament to win back the money from me. Well I continued to be lucky all night long. While we were playing the kids invited me to come with them on a three week tour of the country in a bus. I told them no but they kept pushing me to come with them. Everything was already paid for and it won't cost me a cent they told me. I think they just wanted me to come along so that the obnoxious kid from Texas was not the top banana. One of the boys told me that I had to come along with them because there were only five males and seventeen girls that were all horny as hell and the boys needed my help. I had to laugh at that line. But I finally agreed to go along with them.

The next morning despite their horrendous hangovers we all piled into a bus with a guide and a driver and we left San Jose heading East for Limon. I sat in a seat by myself but a short while later one of the girls came over and sat down next to me and we shared her bottle of rum together. Then she told me she was tired and needed a nap. She leaned up against me and then slid down to rest her head on my lap. I thought this is fine, she can sleep on my lap. Sleep however, is not what she had in mind. My zipper came down slowly with her teeth gently pulling on it and her hand up my shorts helped her get me started and for the next couple of hours she just slurped away and napped here and there. I was liking this group of kids already.

We finally arrived at our destination late in the afternoon. When we got off the bus there was a market that sold pot cakes, pot ice cream and pot prerolled in fat joints. The kids tried to buy the stalls out. We went to our hotel nearby and unloaded our bags. Then we wandered around town smoking pot and drinking rum and beer. We checked out the beach and found the main bar/club in town and we settled down for some serious eating and drinking. The kids were all getting high too but I was staying away from all the drugs. They bought some cocaine in the bar and started to do lines of that also. The coke just woke them up from the pot stupor they were in so that they could drink even more booze. I was cracking up at the attitude of these kids.

Our hotel arrangement was four rooms with a couple of beds in each room and when you wanted to sleep you just crawled into any one of the beds and took your nap in a group of whomever was in the bed with you. It was a very casual arrangement. The end result with seventeen horny girls and six guys including me was that there was plenty of sex available to all of us guys at any time we felt like it. It was an interesting time for me. I was kind of surprised the way I was just accepted into the pack despite the fact that I most likely was older than their parents.

We hung around the Limon district for a few days. Limon historically was the black area of Costa Rica. All dark skinned people had to live in this area of the country and they needed a permit to travel in the rest of the country. That setup no longer exists but the area is predominantly black and had a reputation for being the drug capital of Costa Rica. There is a strong Rasta presence and Caribbean influence in the area. The locals even speak a dialect originating in Jamaica. There is also some surfing at the beach there.

We traveled north from there and took a river boat ride from Puerto Viejo to see monkeys and crocodiles. There were birds like toucans and parrots. We saw a few snakes and lots of iguanas in the trees along the river. We also went to Tortuguero to see the sea turtle laying eggs. Every place we went the hotel arrangements were the same and we were basically in a three week long drunken stoned party as we wandered around the country. I was having a great time and getting to see Costa Rica at the same time. These kids had taken classes about Costa Rica and they had all the guide books and we had our guide along with us too. A couple of the girls were making sure that the guide was having a good time too.

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